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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Compassion Fatigue Workbook is finally ready!

The Compassion Fatigue workbook is based on the one day workshop Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue, which has been offered across Canada to thousands of helpers in the fields of healthcare, community mental health, correctional services, education and the military since 2001. This Workbook was designed for distance learners and those who prefer working at their own pace.

The Workbook offers a comprehensive description of compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization and leads the reader through experiential activities designed to target specific areas in their personal and professional lives. It provides concrete strategies to help the reader develop a personalised strategic plan for identifying and transforming compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization.

Topics covered include:
Understanding compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma
Symptom checklist, targeting areas for strategic planning, understanding warning signs
Assessing contributing factors; Evaluating self-care, identifying triggers
Solutions: personal, professional and organizational strategies

No. of pages: 85 pages - Spiral bound
Copy Price: $59.00 CAN plus shipping
**Bulk rates available for orders of 20 copies or more. Contact for bulk orders

To purchase this workbook, you can visit the CF Solutions Bookstore.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Interesting interviews on CBC radio on two kinds of oil: the one we eat and the one we burn

CBC Radio's The Current is an excellent current affairs show that airs weekday mornings. I caught two fascinating interviews in the past two days:

1) An interview with Jeff Rubin, former Chief Economist of CIBC World Markets on his new book "Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of Globalization" Listen to the podcast by clicking here.

2) This morning, Anna-Maria Tremonti spoke to Dr David Kessler about his new book "The end of overeating: taking control of the insatiable american appetite". Kessler is the former FDA commissioner under presidents Bush and Clinton. The podcast should be up by the end of today.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nuts and bolts

(Springtime in Umea, Sweden)

-Compassion Fatigue Workshop: If you would like to attend one day Compassion Fatigue Workshop, I will be presenting in Toronto on June 1st, 2009 via Leading Edge Seminars. I invite you to visit their website for more information.

-Compassion Fatigue Workbook: I have not been posting as regularly as usual because I have been busy working on the final revisions of the Compassion Fatigue Workbook, which is going to press next week. I have been toiling on this workbook for several years now (and, yes, let's be honest, procrastinating as well, which means that my office is completely free of clutter right now, down to the last paper clip), but finally, the workbook is ready. It will be available on the CF solutions bookstore in a week or so. It was designed as a distance learning version of the one day CF workshop - the goal is to offer the experiential and academic material in a user-friendly workbook format.

-Mindfulness: I have been truly enjoying simple activities that make life such a wonderful thing: flying a kite with my best friend last weekend - a chinese dragon with a very long tail (the kite, not my friend), going to sleep in crisp, freshly laundered sheets that were dried on the laundry line in the sun (there is no smell like it, no wonder soap companies try to match this fragrance, but it cannot be done). Eating a plate of freshly picked fiddleheads in vinaigrette. Planting beans and tomatoes and hoping the squirrels don't eat them all.

I am always amused by the way Spring lands on our doorstep in this part of Canada. It's not a gradual event, rather it's an explosion - two or three hot days and boom spring is here and the buds are exploding and everything is sprouting in a matter of minutes.

Totally unrelated: just came back from viewing the new Star Trek movie - loved it! If you were a fan of the original series, you will not be disappointed. If you have no idea what Star Trek is, you're clearly younger than me!

Now back to writing and proofreading. I hope you have a chance to enjoy simple moments of mindfulness too.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Upcoming workshops of interest

PREVNet presents is 4th Annual Conference

Life without Bullying:
Highlighting the latest knowledge, tools and strategies to address bullying issues from infancy through adulthood with
Canada's leading experts.

June 5th, 2009
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Toronto, On.

Click here for Online Registration

The registration fees are:
$270 CAD (tax included) after May 1, 2009
$100 CAD (tax included) for Students that show proof of full-time enrollment during sign-in at the conference.

Note: Online registration requires a credit card payment. If you prefer to pay by cheque, please contact Caroline Teske (PREVNet’s Administrative Coordinator) for mail-in registration forms at: or phone: 613-533-2632.


Grounding Trauma: 2 day national conference

June 23-24, 2009
Huron University College
London, On.

Cost: $280 plus gst
To register: email
For more info:

The Grounding Trauma Conference:
The effects of traumatic stress and loss are a persistent factor for people working in the helping professions. Any lack of acceptance, training or comfort with traumatic stress and loss may cause pain to both clients and workers.

What is working well?
We are presenting many informative workshops about successes in working with trauma survivors as well as support for the worker and organization.

What more needs to be done?
Are post-secondary programs adequately preparing students to do this work? Are agency work environments as supportive to staff and clients as they could be? We will explore what needs to be done and how can we start doing it !


Dr. Rick Csiernik - "Trauma Exposure and the Social Work Practicum"
author of "Responding to the Oppression of Addiction." Prof Csiernik will present his research on trauma experienced during social work student practicums at one Canadian school of Social Work.

Hannah Sherebrin, RN ATR - "The Puzzle - an Art therapy Support group model" A hands on workshop. Hannah has been leading art therapy groups in Israel for parents whose children have been killed by terrorists or the army.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I realise I haven't posted in a while as I have been travelling a fair bit. First port of call two weeks ago was Sarnia, then Brantford and now Winnipeg. I also had the pleasure of hosting Dr Pat Fisher for the 2 day Manager's workshop which was a very rich experience. I will post something longer when I return home. It is freezing in the Peg and snowflakes have been spotted!