Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue
March 2nd, 2010 Donald Gordon Centre, Kingston, On., 8:30am-4:00pm
Instructor: Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed. CCC. Compassion Fatigue Specialist
Workshop Description: Compassion fatigue is a normal consequence of working in the helping field. The best strategy to address compassion fatigue is to develop excellent self care strategies, as well as an early warning system that lets the helper know that they are moving into the caution zone of Compassion Fatigue. This is a highly interactive one day workshop, incorporating a combination of solo, small group and whole group activities.
Topics covered will include: Understanding compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. Symptom checklist, targeting areas for strategic planning; Evaluating self-care, identifying triggers; Developing a personalised strategic plan for identifying and treating compassion fatigue.
*This workshop is also a prerequisite for the two day CF Train the Trainer workshop which will be offered immediately following the March 2nd training.
Who should attend? Helping professionals in the fields of mental health, health care, education, emergency services, corrections and law enforcement, volunteers and caregivers.
Cost: $165.00 (incl gst) includes lunch, breaks and handouts.
Compassion Fatigue Train the Trainer Retreat
March 3 & 4th 2010. Donald Gordon Centre, Kingston
Instructor: Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed. CCC. Compassion Fatigue Specialist
Workshop Description: This workshop offers tools, handouts, training material, strategies and marketing tips to adapt the one day Compassion Fatigue Workshop Walking the Walk to your community's specific needs (and to your own presentation style).
**Prerequisite: This workshop is aimed at helping professionals and educators in the helping fields. Prior attendance to full day or half day Walking the Walk is highly recommended. Walking the Walk will be offered on March 2, 2010. Please email whp at cogeco.ca for more information.
Cost: $598.00 (incl gst) which includes lunch, breaks, training manuals, power point presentation and handout templates. **Space is limited to 20 participants for this retreat.
More information and registration forms will be posted on the website next week
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