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Sunday, September 27, 2009

A quick note in transit

This will be a short post as I am just touching down in between trips, coming in from Charlottetown, doing my laundry, kissing the kids and heading straight back out to Yellowknife. (Well, I did bake some banana-bran muffins too, in a probably futile attempt to have my kids eat healthily while I am away, and, yes, I know I have control issues...). This week, I will be taking part in a large conference for professionals who work with victims of crime, organised by the Department of Justice for the North West Territories and Nunavut.

During my pit stop in Kingston, I had a chance to go hear some music. Live music can be so good for the soul (when it's good, I heard some pretty awful stuff last night) but I also heard the fantastic Canadian folk duo Dala. They can harmonize like nobody's business and have a great sense of humor and wonderful musical sense. It was such a treat.

I'll write more when I am back from Yellowknife. I hope you all have a good week, with a bit time to listen to some music perhaps?

Photo from MNR

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