Skating on a very frozen lake. Photo by Françoise Mathieu 2009
Happy New Year to you! I am back at work after two great weeks off. I had a chance to skate all over a beautiful lake in the Laurentians (after much safety testing, I should add), go ice fishing for the very first time -not entirely my cup of tea, but I have a seriously hooked (no pun intended) 9 year old and he was completely over the moon. He stayed out there for hours in the frigid cold and came in only when forced to. I don't really get it, but there you go. I also had a chance to catch up with friends and family, read books and eat a ton of shortbread. Yum.
I wanted to tell you about some upcoming events that may be of interest to you.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course With Sandy Williams - OTTAWA
Wednesdays February 24th to April 14th 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Full Day: Saturday April 10th 9:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Fourth Avenue Baptist Church (at Bank)
An 8-week program designed to support you to cope more effectively with stress through mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention, to the present moment, with acceptance. This practice is beneficial as it can help you to gain a deeper understanding into your feelings, thoughts and beliefs. People come to the program seeking relief from family, work and financial stress, sleep disturbances, anxiety, headaches, fatigue, pain and illness. Others choose to participate because they want a better way to cope with the often out of control pace of their lives. The program is for anyone who would like to learn to relate consciously and compassionately to the challenges of everyday life. The group meets weekly for 2 1/2 hours with a full day session after the 7th week.
Cost: $425.00 (Includes 2 compact discs and handouts) Supplementary health insurance may apply.
Sandy Williams, MSW, RSW is a social worker leading Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programs in the community. She has participated in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction professional training with Jon Kabat-Zinn. She believes that our difficulties are “workable” and the practice of mindfulness supports us to take responsibility for our well- being and to do something for ourselves that no others can.
For information call Sandy at 613-371-0795 or email:
CAST Canada: Addiction & Trauma - Consumer Panel: Workshop for General Helping Professionals
Friday, February 19th, 2010, 9:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
Barrie, ON ( Holiday Inn, Fairview Rd.)
Cost: $140 + gst Before February 28th ~ lunch not provided ~
For the past 4 years CAST Canada has held more than 60 Addiction & Trauma Consumer Panel workshops. Over 2,000 frontline workers have worked directly with CAST Canada volunteer consumers to identify unique, relevant ideas around what worked ( and what didn't ) in helping relationships. The learnings from this process will be available to you.
Who Should Attend?
You are a frontline worker or any general helping professional where your clients often have addiction and/or trauma issues. The day is popular with shelter, housing support, O.W. , ODSP, all outreach and Children's Aid workers, therapists, counselors, correctional and probation officers, professors, teachers, guidance counselors, EAP professionals, all hospital staff.
You will:
- Witness moving, open testimonials from consumers who have been helped by professionals
- Participate in highly interactive discussion
- Receive solid, safe and effective tools
- Interact with and learn from peers from other sectors and other areas
Some Themes:
"Role of Relapse" - Learn to discuss this volatile topic
"Nature of Cravings" - Simple to deliver, productive, builds relationship & empowers the client
"How do I ask? " - Asking hard questions around suspected substance abuse or trauma
"Roles, Goals & Boundaries" - Critical insights, easy implementation
Details and registration: CAST Canada Webpage
*The day is intended for 'general' helping professionals as opposed to addiction or trauma workers who find the tools and insight helpful but the introduction and background basic
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