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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

John Gottman Workshop as a Webcast

WHP has agreed to become an affiliate to Leading Edge Seminars to promote this upcoming workshop.

Join John and Julie Gottman by WEBCAST live and/or at your own convenience for 45 days after the event!

A new and revised 2-day workshop of Gottman Couples Therapy will be presented for the first time on May 1 and 2, 2008 from 9:00am to 5:00pm both days. Webcast participants can attend the seminar in live time and/or view the entire 2-day seminar at their own leisure for 45 days after the event. During the live event, participants can send in questions over a live feed. After the event, the webcast will be archived on our website and indexed so you can review or resume viewing any segment at any time. Registration fee includes a 175-manual valued at $125 with useful assessment tools.

Complete workshop description:
If you would like a registration form, email:

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