I am back after a week at home with kids. I laughed when, on Friday, lining up at the cash while trying to break up a bickering little fight between my two, the cashier said to me: "only a few more days, hang in there" referring to the fact that kids would soon be back in school. I do love them to bits but for a working mother, a week at home with kids is not always particularly restful or peaceful. For once, however, I wisely did not make unrealistic plans before the break (as in "I will read the following three novels this week, and clean up my basement, and nap daily, and ..."). No, this time, I was clear in my goals: "Other than going for a run daily, I will not have an agenda and we will do fun family-centered activities all week." And that is what we did, and although I am a little nap-deprived, I am happy with that. We had a lot of laughs and I learned that Ontario is the biggest peanut producing province in Canada, did you know that?
This week I start travelling again and I have many trips scheduled from now until June with nary a week without a visit to one part of Ontario or another. Time to haul out the photo of my daughter pouting again (if you've been to one of my talks recently, you know what I'm referring to). This week I'm in Hamilton and Ottawa, next week in London, Ont, then Ottawa again, Hamilton and Brampton. Going on the road is very rich with new learnings for me, and the workshop continues to grow and change as I make new connections and hear new stories. Those encounters hugely compensate for the downsides of being a road warrior, as my husband lovingly calls me. I look forward to meeting you if we have not yet met.
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