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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

List of Self Care Ideas from SAN Conference Ottawa

This list of self care ideas was compiled by participants at last week's one day Compassion Fatigue workshop which was held in Ottawa on March 26th, 2010. Take a look! Could you commit to one of these in the week to come? A springtime resolution perhaps?

Self Care Strategies at Home
-listen to the birds for 5 minutes
-dance uninhibited to one song
-play in the dirt
-play with your children and/or grandchildren
-colour mandalas or colouring book
-play wii - nintendo fitness
-manicure/pedi/facial at home uninterrupted
-treat yourself once a week
-enjoy the sun
-express positivity once a day to those you love
-have a fun day
-start work late one day a week and pamper yourself (music, bath, long shower)
-read how much and however you want when you arrive home
-learn to yodel (or another new fun skill that makes you laugh)
-borrow a neighbour's pet
-discover a new musician or poet
-put on different music and dance with your children
-share what you are grateful for every night
-have "me time" once a week
-have flowers once a week
-have sex with yourself or with a partner once a week
-belly dance
-all day in bed - music, books, meals
-go to a park and play on the swings
-have a family pedi/manicure
-have a nerf ball fight in the home with the whole family
-put on some music and dance
-have all you need for the next day ready and waiting in the morning
-movie night
-try a new recipe to cook for yourself
-try to delegate without nit-picking
-take time to enjoy walking your dog
-take time to release - crank up the stereo, dance and go wild
-take up a new hobby
-plan to be organised i.e. meals

Self Care Strategies at Work
-leave your office and enjoy your lunch break
-screen your calls and prioritize them
-leave your briefcase "on a tree"
-plan and organize
-learn to say no
-go for a walk
-have movie time for release, maybe at a staff meeting
-hold a staff fun day e.g: drumming day
-never miss lunch/don't eat it at your desk/don't work during lunch
-have a pot luck lunch with your team
-stretch every day
-pack a cooler with healthy foods, drinks, snacks
-meditate with a bell/chime to remind you of time
-put a stretch reminder on your work computer
-music for work during down time/breaks
-wear slippers all day at work/at your desk
-once a day email a funny video to colleagues
-introduce yourself to someone new once a week
-lunch time yoga or after work
-watch a movie at lunch
-community soup lunch with recipe to share
-bring pet or baby in for a visit
-share what you are grateful for at staff meeting
-read a non-related book at work
-deal with confrontations one-on-one
-look at alternative ways to debrief (drawing, dance, etc)
-discuss with other organizations "best practice"
-social field trips (i.e. white water rafting, friday bbq or potluck)
-watch or listen to comedy (Ellen, Loreta Laroche, youtube)
-play cards
-have a memory box full of happy memories
-wave breathing
-fill 5 pages with what pisses you off about your life. When you are done, put them in a sealed envelope and then shred it
-bring fresh flowers to your desk

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