(Public Service Announcement)
CCPA is now offering members a way to attend professional development opportunities by offering a series of webinars. All webinars are eligible for continuing education credits (CEU). Enrolment is limited and registration is required. Additional dates and courses will be added on an on-going basis.
Webinar: Social Justice Interventions: 10 Ways to Make a Difference
Presenter: Christina Schmolke
Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Time: 12pm-1pm ET
Cost: $50 CCPA members | $60 non members
# of CEUs: 1
Webinar Description: Across Canada, thousands of individuals face barriers to improving their mental, emotional, and economic status. In an effort to address the environmental factors (e.g., poverty) that impede client well-being, a growing number of counsellors have become interested in social justice interventions. For counsellors, social justice interventions involve actions that are designed to improve the equitable distribution of resources and services. This may include advocacy, outreach, and prevention. This webinar focuses on helping counsellors integrate social justice interventions into their roles.
Webinar: Le potentiel des groupes au service du counseling
Presenter: Dr Jacques Limoges
Language: French
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Time: 12pm-1pm ET
Cost: $50 CCPA members | $60 non members
# of CEUs: 1
Webinar Description: L’orientation et la gestion de carrière reposent, du début à la fin, sur l’interpersonnel. Même un bon bilan de soi ne peut se faire sans que le client réfère aux autres qui furent, qui seront ou qui sont. Logiquement donc c’est l’intervention groupale qui convient le mieux à ces enjeux, leur assurant une plus grande efficacité. Dans ce webinaire nous explorerons le potentiel groupal selon que l’objet de l’intervention ou du counseling groupal est l’extra (i.e. l’Information scolaire et professionnelle, la connaissance du marché du travail), l’intra (i.e. la connaissance de soi) ou l’interpersonnel (i.e. les compétences et l’action).
Webinar: Counselling in a Small World: Ethics in Rural & Remote Practice
Presenter : Judi L. Malone
Language: English
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Time: 12pm-1pm ET
Cost: $50 CCPA members | $60 non members
# of CEUs: 1
Webinar Description: Rural communities and their counselling needs have been changing. Certain ethical dilemmas can be more common or more complicated when practicing in rural, remote, or small communities. This presentation will review some of these specific to managing professional boundaries, community pressure, generalist practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, and attaining professional development. Join us to explore the context & ethical challenges of rural counselling practice, consider the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association’s Code of Ethics, and to share insight for dealing with the demographic and practice characteristics that may instigate ethical issues in rural practice.
Webinar: Exceptional Possibilities: Multiplying Client Exceptions Through Narrative Meaning-Making
Presenter: David Paré, Ph.D.
Language: English
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Time: 12pm-1pm ET
Cost: $50 CCPA members | $60 non members
# of CEUs: 1
Webinar Description: The “exception”—an instance when the problem is absent—is the cornerstone of Brief Solution Focused practice, a doorway into new realms of possibility where the problem is absent. This webinar explores how exceptions can be multiplied by joining clients in what Anthropologist Clifford Geertz called “thick description”. These practices are drawn from narrative therapy, which focuses on action, rather than behaviour—the difference being that actions are seen as expressions of agency, purposes, values, and intentions. These practices go beyond “do more of what works” to rich story development and the generation of multiple exceptions, the basis for future action.
To register or for more information go to www.ccpa-accp.ca/en/webinars or contact Roxanne@ccpa-accp.ca.
The vagaries of presenting in a hotel.....
15 years ago
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