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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Introductory Workshop: Coaching to Excellence - Ottawa, June 2 & 3, 2009

In this workshop, participants are introduced to the principles and methods of James Flaherty's New Ventures West successful approach to coaching and to human development (see The program allows for coaching experience that is applicable to the participants' work place or current coaching practive, and their broader lives. Through structured exercises, demonstrations and simulations, we will explore together what it takes to evoke long-term excellence in others.

Who would benefit from this course?

This course is designed for:
-Anyone intrigued by the possibility of having a positive impact on others through coaching;
-Managers, Human Resource professionals and Organizational Development practitioners who are regularly called upon to solve problems that could be more effectively handled by developing others' competence;
-Independent professionals, consultants and coaches interested in bringing greater skill to their one-on-one conversations with clients;
-Therapists and social workers interested in building coaching competence;
-People considering applying for the Professional Coaching Course.

For more information contact Hélène Beauchemin at or Barbara Best at
Phone: 613-236-4847.

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