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Friday, January 16, 2009

Launching the Compassion Fatigue Solutions Bookstore!

I am very pleased to announce that after many months of work and a very helpful computer programmer, my bookstore is finally ready. Now, this is a very soft launch as there are only two products in the bookstore at the moment (an ebooklet and a Train the Trainer workbook) but it will grow over the coming months. The goal of this bookstore is to create a web-based resource centre for helpers seeking distance learning resources and workbooks to assist them as individuals and/or as trainers.

Go take a look:

Currently available:

Ebook: Designing and marketing a compassion fatigue workshop in 10 key steps

• Self assessment exercises to help you evaluate where you are starting from.
• Strategies to identify and develop your very own workshop style
• Key books and resources in the field
• Marketing and promotion: lessons learned and things you should know and many more tips, ideas and strategies.

Compassion Fatigue Train the Trainer - Workbook

This manual offers tools to help you design your own CF workshops and assist you to become a compassion fatigue trainer. The material included in this manual is based on WHP’s one day workshop Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue which has been offered across Canada since 2001.

Enclosed in this manual you will find:

• A description of the 17 Educational and experiential goals of the Walking the Walk course.
• A extensive resource list (books, links to websites, articles, etc.)
• An appendix with handouts that can be used for your training sessions.
• A copy of three articles written by WHP: Low Impact Disclosure , Running on
Empty and Transforming compassion fatigue into compassion satisfaction: top 12 self-care tips for helpers.

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