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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What's going on

Photo of Rideau Canal in Ottawa, Canada, from

Here is what has been going on this week in Kingston Ontario.

If you live in my part of the world, you too will have been enjoying the deep freeze that we have been experiencing during the past week or so. I run outside throughout the the winter and spent the first part of my childhood in the arctic so I am not too fazed by cold weather but when my eyelashes freeze together, I tend to draw the line at outdoor pursuits. I did make one exception to this on Sunday as I was in Ottawa and had the opportunity to skate, for the very first time, on the Rideau Canal which is considered to be the longest natural frozen ice rink in the world, or the second if you are from Winnipeg, who claim to have the world's longest natural frozen ice rink in the world!

Skating on the Rideau was fantastic, and had it not been minus 25 celsius and had I been sans kids, I would have loved to skate the full length of it. I don't know why exactly, but skating outside makes me feel blissfully happy and at peace.

Do you have an activity like that?

I am currently working on the Compassion Fatigue Workbook which is a distillation of my one day compassion fatigue workshop but is designed to be used as a solo or group tool. I have several ongoing projects right now to develop more distance learning materials which are far more affordable than travelling to attend a workshop or bringing a speaker to your community. Let me know if you have any special requests or ideas. Stay warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Frankie
When are you going to write some compassion fatigue material for parents - I think it would be a fantastic extension of what you have here. Your blog is a constant source of inspiration - I go to it whenever I have a overloaded caring day (-:
Your loving friend and admirer
Lisa T